
basics package.


Currently Im not booking during the school year! I might do surprise shoots, over breaks, when I visit Fort Collins, CO. I’ll release any shoot info on my instagram page. The pricing listed above will remain the same for any surprise shoots. If you’re a student at USC, just contact me and we can do a free shoot!


Add Ons.

Any additional person over 2


Any addition styling/locations



How long does a basics photoshoot usually last?

We don’t like to put a set time limit on any of our photoshoots because each one takes a different amount of time depending on the theme! We don’t like to feel rushed during the process and want you to feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible :) It also depends on the size of the party! Singles generally take 4 hours. That time frame includes makeup, hair, etc.

Can I bring some of my own clothes to wear?

Yes! We are all about collaboration and finding what works best for you. If you have something you really love and want to bring along we will work with you!

How long will it take for me to get my photos back after the shoot?

Usually you will get your photos back in 5-7 business days. We want to make sure the photos are perfect before sending them to you!

I don’t model and I’m worried I won’t look natural in my photos because I don’t know how to pose,

Don’t worry about posing or looking awkward in your photos. We will be helping you position yourself and move naturally throughout the whole shoot!

Do I need to bring anything to the photoshoot or do anything beforehand to prepare?

The only thing that we ask that you bring is your mascara (if you have it). Besides that there is nothing you need to do to prepare for your shoot!